The Pediatrician Kitchen

Dr. M empowers parents and kids to blend the joy of cooking with the science of medicine to create a recipe for good health. Let her be your expert guide to making mealtime more mindful with tips, recipes, activities and more!

Stainless Steel Cups | Happy Child with Snack and Drink

8 Reasons Why Stainless Steel Cups are a Kitchen Must-Have

Discover why stainless steel cups, tumblers, mugs, and drinkware of all shapes are essential for a safer, stylish, and sustainable kitchen.
Mom with child diagnosed with cancer

How Ahimsa's Healthy Dishware for Kids Helped My 2-year-old Fight Cancer by Christine Anderson, MD

Healthy Dishware for Kids One of the biggest goals in life is keeping our kids safe and healthy. We do everything in our power to make sure our kids grow and develop into happy and...
Kids Eating Healthy Food

Reducing childhood food insecurity in the United States

What is (and particularly what isn’t) on children’s plates in the United States is prime evidence of the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Right before the current health crisis hit, childhood food insecurity affected a staggering...
Children Safety During Holiday's

8 Tips to Prevent Accidental Ingestions this Holiday Season

Kids, especially toddlers, are always on the move! Exploring, exploring, and oh yes, more exploring! From one to four years old, toddlers developmentally explore the world with constant hand-to-mouth motions. Unfortunately, dangerous substances can sometimes...
6 Ways to Decrease Harmful Chemicals From Your Daily Routine,Environmental Health, reducing toxin exposure

6 Ways to Decrease Your Family's Exposure to Harmful Chemicals at Home

Decrease Exposure to Harmful Chemicals By: Dr. Leonardo Trasande, MD, MPP When I began my pediatric residency 20 years ago, environmental health questions had not yet found their way into board certification exams. We did...
put down the plastic and pick up the steel

How Plastic Affects Children's Health & What You Can Do About It

Pediatricians play a key role in preventing medical problems in children as much as they do in treating them. It is the reason for those frequent visits with your pediatrician in the first few years...
Ahimsa Expert: Accidental ingestion by children

8 Tips to Prevent Accidental Ingestions

Poison Control Centers in the United States receive 1.2 million calls each year as a result of the accidental poisoning of children ages 5 and younger.  Nearly 90% of these toxic exposures happen at home...
child with allergy tests

Allergy Tests for Kids Can Do More Harm Than Good

As a mother and pediatric gastroenterologist, I hear this complaint often. Is it because my child needs to poop? Because she doesn’t want to go to bed? For many parents, this happens regularly after their...

*This website has been developed by Ahimsa LLC. This site offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. While many of our experts are practicing clinicians, viewing this site, receipt of information contained on this site or the transmission of information from or to this site does not constitute a physician-patient relationship. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. Any information provided is not meant to address a specific situation, person or event, even if you provide information about a specific person or situation to Ahimsa. Always seek the advice of your child’s own physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site. Please click here> for more information on our disclaimer. Effective Date: October 7, 2019, Updated 6/17/2021. © 2023 Ahimsa LLC, All Rights Reserved