Best Toddler Plates | Toddlers Snacking and Playing

Best Plates to Make Every Meal a Happy Meal for Your Toddler

I can still picture those early days with my little one. Every single meal felt like a mini-war. She’d shove her plate away, toss food across the room (spaghetti was definitely her go-to), and scream...
After School Snack Ideas | Snacks on Ahimsa Dishware

Fuel Your Kids Bodies and Minds with Nutritious Afterschool Snacks

I'm a mom of three, so I can write the script -- I'll bet the end of every school day in your house is a lot like the end of the school day in mine:...
Grandparents Day Activities | Grandma Feeds Baby

Creating Memories with Grandparents Day Activities

It doesn’t get as much press as Mother’s or Father’s day, but Grandparents Day is every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day and it’s been around since the 70s. You don’t have to...
Healthy preschool snacks | Child in front of many snacks

Get Ready for Preschool Adventures with Healthy Snacks and Smart Packing

As back-to-school season kicks into high gear, the air's buzzing with excitement. Little backpacks sit waiting to be stuffed, while new shoes itch to hit the pavement, and eager but nervous parents prepare for the...
Stainless Steel Dishes | Snacks in Ahimsa Dishware

A Sustainable Summer Send Off

I can already hear those school bells ring, even though summer's not quite over. Back-to-school season is creeping up again, and it feels like just yesterday we were chasing fireflies and building sandcastles. I love...
Benefits of Stainless Steel | Arrangement of Stainless Steel Plates

Why Stainless Steel is the Must-Have for Every Modern Family

When my mom saw my kids using plastic plates, she wasn’t having any of it—and, honestly, she was onto something. Back in India, we always used stainless steel. It was just what everyone did. But,...
How to Deal with Picky Eaters | Ahimsa Plate with Snacks

Turn Mealtime Struggles into Triumphs with These Tools for Picky Eaters

We’ve all been there, right? You put in the effort to whip up a healthy meal, and your kid just wrinkles their nose and says “no way.” They didn’t even try it first! Take the...
Family Meals | Parent Feeding Child

Make Family Meals a Joyous Time to Reset and Reconnect

The end of summer is bittersweet. The long days and the hot weather will stick around for a while, but as we pass the solstice and the days get a little shorter, we can all...
Back to School Lunches | Parent and Child Pack Lunch

Create Irresistibly Healthy Back-to-School Lunches Kids Will Crave

Ever get that buzz of excitement opening up your lunchbox as a kid, hoping for something special inside? Maybe it was a favorite snack or a note from home. Even now, all these years later,...

*This website has been developed by Ahimsa LLC. This site offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. While many of our experts are practicing clinicians, viewing this site, receipt of information contained on this site or the transmission of information from or to this site does not constitute a physician-patient relationship. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. Any information provided is not meant to address a specific situation, person or event, even if you provide information about a specific person or situation to Ahimsa. Always seek the advice of your child’s own physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this site. Please click here> for more information on our disclaimer. Effective Date: October 7, 2019, Updated 6/17/2021. © 2023 Ahimsa LLC, All Rights Reserved